Princess Pip
Pip has found a wonderful retirement home with some close friends of ours
Pip is our petite little princess Aussie at 15 inches tall and 20 lb. She is the one that started it all. Pip has given us some wonderful, smart, confident pups, that have completed many happy families. Pip is a very good Mom. She loves to take really good care of her babies. She has a beautiful blue merle and white coat with copper points. Her eyes are brown with blue marble. She is a very fast learner and loyal to our family. Pip remembers people and welcomes them back to our space, if I do. She is very affectionate and wants to be in our lap if she can. She is quick and agile. We take Pip with us everywhere we can. She loves to hike, paddle board, run with the mountain bikes and go for car rides. She will hop in every time I get in the car if I let her. If you would like to have a Pip pup, act soon she is coming to the end of her mothering career.